Sunday, July 31, 2011

Art! Art! and more Art!

And yes I missed another day . . . it's not like anyone reads this anyway so it's not like anyone cares. So today I went to New York City to the Met to see the Alexander McQueen Savage Beauty show. (that dress to the left was one that I really liked) If you have not gone yet you should defiantly go before it ends. Which is soon. It ends the 7th. It is massively crowded though. There is a minimum two and a half hour wait if you aren't a member or a guest of a member. My dad became a member so my sister and I could go in as his guests but it was still really crowded in the exhibit it's self. You couldn't take one step in any direction without hitting someone. I like New York City. I would love to live there. Maybe I'll go to college there . . . I wouldn't mind that at all. But I still have a while before college. TT^TT The only think that isn't fun about going to New York City is waking up early and sitting in the car for a few hours. Oh well, it is always worth it.
The Met is fantastic though. Anyone could spend months there and still never run out of things to do. The Greek statues were spectacular. It is just amazing that with such simple tools they were able to create things that looked so real and perfect. I wish I had anything close to that much talent. Art is just amazing and there is so much of it in the Met.
Now I am starting to sound like an ad for the Met, but I loved it. There was a whole section on old musical instruments. Some of then were absolutely gorgeous. They just had so much detail it would blow your mind. There was a horn that was made of porcelain! And certain old pianos had opposite keys so the large keys were black and the smaller keys were white. There was a room full of medieval armor that I really wanted to look at but unfortunately we ran out of time we ran out of time before we could get a good look at them.
I am now going to watch some TV, bye!

P.S. The clock on this is really screwed up so it will say four something but really it is almost 8:30.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Fashion and Just Clothes

So I'm back again today, sorry I didn't write yesterday. I was lazy and tired and I'm still lazy and tired so I'm not going to put on a video today either, because I am way too lazy to make one. So I've been watching old seasons so Project Runway recently. You can get all of them from Netflix. I just found out who the final four are for the eighth season. Micheal, Andy, Mondo, and Gretchen. I cannot wait to get then next disc so I can see all of the collections and find out who is actually going to be showing at fashion week.
Maybe today I will talk about clothing because I started with it. I love clothes. I could spend a million dollars on clothing and still I would find something else that I would like. If you think about it, that sounds really greedy, but I don't mean it like that. I just mean that I can always find something I like. If I actually had a million dollars I would put it away for college and donate some to charity and then I would go buy stuff for my self. Anyway . . . I like punk and goth clothing sometimes but I also love wearing skinny jeans and graphic tee. Currently I am wearing a Calvin Klein shirt dress that was found at a yard sale for a dollar or two. It's really cute and it has another element that I like, militaristic stuff. I don't mean camouflage, I mean jackets, and cool buckles, and those little pieces of fabric on the shoulder with buttons. You know what I mean? Steam punk it also pretty cool but sometimes it can get a little too frilly for me. i like some lace and ruffles but too much is just ridiculous. I am a strong protester of wearing something because everyone else is wearing it. I will admit that I have Uggs and skinny jeans that I wear during the winter, but I don't wear it because it is popular. I wear it because I like it. One of my friends once told me this quote, "Those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter." That is my philosophy for clothing. I have worn floor length skirts with belts with zippers on them at the same time. Now it is coming across that I am a really outlandish dresser. I'm not most of the time though. I dress normally 95% of the time and then I wear really weird stuff to make up for it. One of my goals for the upcoming school year is to dress weirder. I usually just grab the first things I see but I want to start wearing things that I haven't worn before and purchase things that I like even if I don't think I will wear them. That is what I always do. I say, "I won't ever wear this." But if I got it then I would wear it, or I would try to remember to. I was considering going completely goth for a while but I think it would be more fun to wear every single color in the rainbow one day and all black the next. I am also planning to beg and plead and cajole my older sister who sorta knows how to sew to make me a steam punk outfit. She's thinking about it and I might be able to get my awesome clothing. We already have some plans but she is worried that, with her limited sewing experience, she won't be able to execute them. I believe though! If you are reading this, oh older sister of mine, please make me my outfit!
That's all for today. Sometime soon I will post a video, I hope and I better post a picture tomorrow. Adios!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Music and . . .

Hi everybody!
More movie reviews to start today's post. Just one movie today though. The Disney Tarzan movie. I saw it for the first time last night. Yes, I know it is a bit weird for a 13 year old to be watching animated Disney movies for the first time but I am cool like that. Little kid movies are actually very good, I love most of them.
My feet hurt . . . I wore flats all day and I never sat down for more than 15 minutes at a time, with an hour or two of walking and standing in between each one. I went to the airport today and got to look at all of the fancy planes and helicopters. I also got to go up into the control tower. It was really cool and there was an amazing view from the tower, I could have stayed up there all day. Unfortunately I could only stay for fifteen minutes.
What should I talk about today?
Hmm . . .
I'll talk about music. I love listening to music and making music. I'll just talk about listening to music today though. I like a somewhat weird variety of music. I like pop, rock, punk, alternative, country, soundtracks of movies(depending on the movie), and minimal R & B. I despise rap though. I'll just write out everyone I like.
Avril Lavigne
Lady Gaga
Jordin Sparks
Dixie Chicks
Taylor Swift
Green Day
All Time Low
My Chemical Romance
Panic! At the Disco
Three Days Grace
The Goo Goo Dolls

. . . and I'm sure there are others that I can't think of off the top of my head. If you know any of these and know other bands that are similar to anyone I mentioned and you think I might like them, tell me.
Today is gong to be a pretty long post but I feel like I haven't really written very much. I don't think I'm going to write any more today, maybe in my next post I will do more writing and less listing.
Toodles . . .

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Nameless . . . how sad

Hey, wazzup?
So, last night I watched the new-ish Catwoman movie. I heard it got really bad reviews but I thought it was pretty good. I like girl superheros because it is amusing to watch girls totally beat guys up. :) I have been watching a lot of comic book movies recently. Green Lantern, Hulk, Hulk 2, Spider Man, Hell Boy, Iron Man, and I tried to watch Iron Man 2 but Netflix wouldn't let me watch it on instant for some stupid reason. I like them, especially the ones with minimal angst. I swear you can't have some kind of great talent, ability, or gift and not have at least some angst. I still like them though. What's not to like about cute guys in spandex suits? I'm also going to see the rest of the Spider Man movies soon I think. I have the second one out from the library but I haven't seen it yet. Super hero movies have been really popular recently. Just this year Green Lantern, Thor, and Captain America came out. Speaking of which, I want to see Thor and Captain America. Let's see, what are some other movie's that came out recently? Well there was Harry Potter of course. Loved the movie! I saw it at midnight and cried like a baby. Especially during the part about Snape. That's all I'm going to say in case you haven't seen it yet. (By the by Harry has copious amounts of angst but I love him anyway) And that movie Paul about the alien that has Kristin Wig in it. That looks absolutely hilarious! Another movie that looks funny is You Majesty or You Highness or something, I don't remember. It looks really funny. If you haven't seen the trailer watch it on youtube. I practically died laughing just from that and I cannot wait to see the movie.
Today at tech camp we went to the video game studio Vicarious Visions. They are the people who made Guitar Hero. It was really fun! I'm not going to tell you everything we did because I know for a fact that you don't care, but I will tell you that the programs we used were Game Maker 8.1 (2-D game studio)and Blender(3-D graphics creator thing). They are both really fun and you can download them for free, just Google search them. Blender can be hard to understand but I'm sure there are tutorials online.
That's all folks!

P.S. I lied, I need to think of what I should start naming my entries. Should I just say Day 1, 2, etc. or should I come up with something else? Help!

Monday, July 25, 2011

And I'm back

You know rereading my last entry made me think of my weird theory sort thing. My theory is that we will never reach tomorrow. If you just think about it logically, we won't. By the time we reach today's tomorrow it will become the new today. We don't consider today yesterday's tomorrow and even if we did it still wouldn't be tomorrow. So that song from Annie "Tomorrow's Only a Day Away." Doesn't seem so optimistic anymore. Sure tomorrow's only a day away but it will always be a day away.
Now that I have officially confused everyone with me weird theory I will tell you all about my adventures.
Today I started going to my technology camp, it was really awesome. It is a day camp from 8:30 to 3:30, this week only. Each day it will be at a different location. Today it was at a nanotech place. It's really big and cool and looks like a ship. All of the walls connected to the outside are tinted glass, and some of the inside walls are as well. We were able to look inside a "clean room." The whole thing has yellow lights and it is super high tech inside and you see all sorts of people in their weird suits. We also talked about biomimicry. It was really interesting. Lotus leaves are actually extremely aquaphobic so water just beads up on top of it and rolls off. Fabric and paint can also be made with similar properties because of nanotechnology. There was this stuff called aqua sand. It is a kind of sand that you can buy at Target or Toys R Us and it is also aaquaphobic. You can put it in a jar of water, scoop it out with a spoon, and touch it and it will be completely dry.
So I gotta go or my sister will kick my head in for making her wait any longer to watch a movie.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

You are here and I am too

Hello and welcome to Gnomes are Everywhere. I hope you like gnomes.
This blog is going to be about just about anything. So I am going to try to write on this somewhat regularly. I hope it doesn't turn into another one of those harebrained schemes that I forget about in a day or two. I have had many things like that. In the beginning of summer I was saying how I would work on my summer homework for half an hour everyday and I haven't even started it and it's already halfway through the summer. I have wanted to start a blog for a while but I never got around to it. If you think about it that isn't a great way to start. I was too lazy to start it earlier so what will stop me from giving up in a week?
Anyway I will talk about all sorts of different things on this blog. Cooking, fashion, movies, books, and other trivial parts of my life that most people don't care about. I think I will also post pictures and videos of myself or my dog or something. That's all for today, hopefully I will write more tomorrow.